How you can get solar rooftop system installed on your home in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh: A stepwise guide

Get your roof energized with solar energy and make a considerable saving on your electricity expenditure. here is a stepwise guide to help you get set and go solar with minimum efforts -

All you need to do to get started on your project is to fill the form next to this article and we will provide you free consultation along with guidance on every step of the procedure including installation and commissioning of rooftop solar PV system (SPVRT) on your roof securely integrating with the grid. 

Let's get started on the stepwise procedure for installation of SPVRT System: 

  1. Site Feasibility and Capacity Estimation: First thing that any solar installer will do is to visit your rooftop and analyze the space available for total capacity. As solar energy will be generated during sun hour, it is essential to carry out a shadow analysis. This will decide how much space on the roof can be effectively used to  generate solar energy. Secondly, our representative will do quantitative analysis of load available in your home and the capacity of the connection that is obtained by you from the DISCOM. Since the feasibility of solar installation will be approved by the DISCOM they generally provide feasibility according to the load capacity of your current electricity connection. For Example if you have 1 kWh connection from the DISCOM, they will not allow you to install solar installation more than that capacity. If this situation arises, you will have to apply for increasing your load connection according to your consumption and the capacity of Solar System you want to install.  
  2. Submission of System Design and Estimate: after above analysis we will submit a detailed report including proposed system design and Plans for seamless approval of feasibility.  
  3. Application for Subsidy: once the feasibility is done by the DISCOM, according to the capacity to be installed by you. Our representative will help you guide through the application for subsidy in PM - Surya Ghar Muft BIjli Yojna of Central Govt. ( to read in detail about PM:Surya Ghar Scheme check-out our blog here).
  4. Installation and Integration with the Grid: once, the application is sent for central financial assistance, we will begin installation of Solar PV system on your roof as per designs agreed with you. Installation will take 2-3 days including installation of mounting structure, putting in place the PV modules and connecting the array with Junction Box and Inverter and the grid through net metering, putting up warning signages and demonstrating the safety measures to be taken in any emergency and during general course of affairs. Final checks will be done before proceeding to the next stage. 
  5. Commissioning of Solar Rooftop System: After final checks and full satisfaction by our representation the system is submitted for approval to the DISCOM, who will do final visit and approve the system before commissioning.
  6. Enjoy Green Energy: after commission all you have to do is count savings on your monthly electricity bills and have fun in solar powered green energy.

Get free consultation now-

    Note: if you are a homeowner in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Free consultation is available with, just fill the form next to this article.

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