Understanding Savings on Solar Energy: In-depth analysis.

Figure here is a graphical representation of comparison between expenditure/earning on electricity consumption with or without Solar Installation.


We have compared a case of one consumer spending money on installation of solar rooftop power plant on his roof and generated solar energy offsets some of his electricity bill and the rest of the bill he pay from his pocket and another consumer who invests equal amount of money at interest rate of 8% per annum and pays his bills out of this corpus monthly instead of spending money on installation of solar energy. Example shown above is for installation of 3kW Solar Rooftop Plant without considering subsidies. Comparison is drawn of financial journey for a period of 300 months (or 25 years -accepted lifespan of solar panels) duly accounting for drop in efficiency of generation with time.

Explaining the Financial Journey

Case-A (without switching to solar energy)

Cost of installation in above example for a 3kW solar power rooftop plant is take as 1.80 L. Hence consumer A starts his journey with positive corpus of 1.8L in his hand and invests this money for an annual return of 8% and continues to pay his monthly bill of 350 units per month from his pocket. His journey is represented by Green Line in the graph where his corpus continues to fall for 25 years. His total spent on this journey is about 14L in addition to his initial corpus of the  1.8L. 

Case-B (After switching to solar energy)

Consumer-B utilizes that same initial corpus of 1.8L for installation of Solar Power System on his roof. Assuming that person is living in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh average energy generation is 4 units of power per day per 1kW of solar capacity installation. Hence his daily power generation is 12 units resulting in monthly power generation of 360 units. This is about the same capacity as his average monthly electricity bill. Consumer-B has to pay electricity charges after some years due to drop in efficiency of solar panels which has been taken into account. He has to pay overall about 4L including his initial cost of solar installation His financial journey is represented by Yellow Line in the graph.


As it is apparent from the comparison above, consumer-B had to spend a lol less to meet his electricity requirement throughout the period of 25 years. His Savings are represented by Orange Line on the graph leading to a total savings of more than 10L during this period. He managed to save a huge amount of money in terms of energy consumption in addition to doing something for the environment. He manages to offset 4kg of CO2 emission on every 1 unit of electricity generated by solar panels. Become a wiser consumer with installation of solar installation on your rooftop and save huge amounts of money.


NOTE – Above analysis is representative actual numbers may vary depending upon several factors 

Exploring Solar Panel Options: Choosing the Right Panels for Your Rooftop

When it comes to transitioning to solar energy, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is selecting the right solar panels for your rooftop installation. With various options available in the market, understanding the differences between solar panel types and technologies can help you make an informed choice that aligns with your energy needs and budget.

Here's a guide to exploring solar panel options and choosing the right panels for your rooftop:

1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Known for their efficiency and sleek design, monocrystalline solar panels are made from single-crystal silicon. They offer higher efficiency rates compared to other panel types, making them ideal for limited rooftop space or locations with high energy demands.

2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Polycrystalline solar panels are crafted from multiple silicon fragments, offering a cost-effective alternative to monocrystalline panels. While slightly less efficient than their monocrystalline counterparts, polycrystalline panels are a popular choice for residential installations due to their affordability and reliable performance.

3. Thin-Film Solar Panels:

  • Thin-film solar panels utilize layers of photovoltaic materials deposited onto a substrate, resulting in lightweight and flexible panels. While thin-film panels are less efficient than crystalline silicon panels, they excel in certain applications such as curved or irregular rooftops and portable solar systems.

4. Bifacial Solar Panels:

  • Bifacial solar panels feature transparent rear surfaces that allow them to capture sunlight from both sides, enhancing energy production. These panels are suitable for installations with reflective surfaces or elevated mounting structures, offering increased energy yield compared to traditional panels.

5. Hybrid Solar Panels:

  • Hybrid solar panels combine photovoltaic cells with solar thermal technology to generate electricity and heat simultaneously. These panels can supplement your home's hot water supply or heating system, providing added energy savings and versatility.

Factors to Consider:

  • Efficiency: Consider the efficiency ratings of different solar panels, as higher efficiency panels can generate more electricity per square foot of rooftop space.
  • Durability: Evaluate the durability and warranty options offered by solar panel manufacturers to ensure long-term performance and reliability.
  • Aesthetics: Choose solar panels that complement your home's architectural style and aesthetic preferences, whether you prefer sleek black panels or traditional blue panels.
  • Budget: Determine your budget and explore financing options to find solar panels that offer the best value for your investment.


Selecting the right solar panels for your rooftop installation involves careful consideration of factors such as efficiency, durability, aesthetics, and budget. By exploring the various solar panel options available and consulting with a reputable solar installer, you can make an informed decision that maximizes your energy savings and reduces your carbon footprint for years to come.